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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Risk factors for Lung Cancer: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You

What is Lung Cancer?
Cancer is a disease characterized by the abnormal growth rate of cells in the body. When a cancer originates at the lungs, then it will be referred to as lung cancer. Your lungs are a vital part of you—they’re what makes you take in oxygen when you breathe and release carbon dioxide when you exhale.

Lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the US, both in men and women. This type of cancer tallies more deaths annually than do prostate, ovarian, breast and colon cancers combined. What are the symptoms of lung cancer? Lung cancers typically don’t exhibit any symptoms especially on its early stages. Its symptoms will gradually be evident once it is already on its advanced stages. The following may be observed in persons who have lung cancer:
1.    Having bouts of cough that won’t go away.
2.    Presence of chronic cough, also known as “smoker’s cough”.
3.    Coughing up of blood, even in small amounts.
4.    Chest pains and difficulty in breathing.
5.    Shortness of breath.
6.    Hoarseness
7.    Wheezing
8.    Weight loss (without actually trying)
9.    Constant headaches
10.    Bone pain

What causes lung cancer development?
Per statistics, the number one cause of lung cancer is smoking—both in people who actually smoke and for people who are only exposed to inhaling second-hand smoke. Smoking damages the cells that line the lungs. Cigarette smoke contains a lot of carcinogens that are harmful to the human body. Occasional exposure to carcinogens may not be enough to trigger cancer since your body is still able to reverse the damage. Repeated exposure however will increase your chances of developing cancer cells. Lung Cancer Risk Factors A variety of factors can increase your susceptibility to developing lung cancer. Some factors may be controlled and some can’t. Read on to find what predisposes you to lung cancer:

1. Smoking.
Again, it cannot be stressed enough that smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer development. In the US alone, 90% of reported lung cancer cases have been linked to cigarette smoking. Tobacco smoke is composed of a toxic mix of chemicals that are known to cause cancer to both people and animals.
Studies have shown that people who smoke are at 15-30 times more prone to developing lung cancer than those who do not smoke. The more often you smoke the higher your risk gets. People who used to smoke but decided to quit are said to have lower risks for lung cancer than those who continued smoking, but then again, their risks are still higher compared to people who never touched a cigarette in their lives.

2. Second-hand smoke inhalation
Even if you‘re not a fan of cigars, you’re still at risk for developing lung cancer, especially if you’re being exposed to second-hand smoke.

3. Exposure to Radon.
Radon is a chemical element—a radioactive, odourless, colourless, and tasteless naturally occurring gas. It gets released by normal decay of other radioactive elements like uranium and radium found in rocks and soil. It normally dissolves in ground water and can be released into the air when water is used. Radon usually occurs at low concentrations outdoors, however, in areas where there is insufficient ventilation, such as underground mines, its concentration levels tends to be higher, making the people exposed to it at a bigger risk for developing lung cancer.

4. Exposure to asbestos and other chemicals.
Workplace exposure to other toxic substances known to cause cancer including asbestos, nickel, chromium, and arsenic will up your chances of getting lung cancer.

5.. If you have a family history of cancer
While the previous risks factors are somehow controllable, this one is not. People who have parents, siblings or child who have lung cancer (or any type of cancer for that matter) are more predisposed to acquiring the same disease.

Lung Cancer: What to Expect
Cancers are deadly diseases. You’re chances of survival will highly depend on how early your symptoms were diagnosed, how strong is your body and how well it will respond to treatments. The road to fighting any type of cancer may be rough, but is in no way, hopeless, as there are lots of reported cases where people who acquired the disease became cured. To fight a good fight, make sure that you equip yourselves well. Stay away from things that can hurt your health and change your lifestyle for the better to increase your chances of winning against cancer.

Secrets to Staying Fit at 50

Aging is inevitable. No matter how hard you try to stop fine lines and wrinkles from appearing, they will appear sooner or later. Should you resign to the fact that your body will deteriorate as you age? Definitely not! Even when you’ve reached the Golden Age of 50, you can still look and feel your best. As a matter of fact, nowadays, those who are in their 50’s actually feel at their prime especially now that there are lots of options for them to use that can aid them in their goal of staying physically and mentally fit.

Although entering your 50’s may mean more noticeable signs of wear and tear in your body particularly around your joints and in your muscles as they tend to weaken over time, you can still go around these obstacles and still achieve that perfectly fit body even at your age. Do you want to know how?

Here are some of the best kept secrets to staying fit even when you are 50.

1. Increase potassium intake. Potassium is needed in order to preserve muscles. This is important since at your age, you are bound to lose at least 10 pounds of muscles because of reduced growth hormones and testosterone. Increasing your intake of potassium can help keep your muscles at their best. Make sure that you add lima beans, sweet potatoes, as well as spinach to your diet as they contain about 1,000 milligrams per cup.

2. Start slow. As much as you would like to work out immediately to get the desired results as quickly as possible, you need to take it slow especially if you’ve been idle for several years. You need to lay the foundation first by building your strength, balance, and flexibility before moving on the more serious exercises.

3. Ask the experts. At your age, getting assistance from a trained physical fitness guru can do wonders because they’ll be able to guide your body to the proper postures for each exercise to minimize aches and pains while maximizing the benefits of working out. A professional trainer can even help customize your workout based on your current physical state and your goals.

4. Consume more protein. You should consume a gram of protein for every pound of your target weight. For example, if you want to reach 180 pounds then you need to eat 180 grams of protein. You should eat about a quarter of this before and after your workout. You can opt for protein powder where two scoops can deliver about 45 grams of protein or eat chicken breast which delivers the same amount of protein.

5. Low-impact workouts. At your age, you should take into consideration your current physical condition. If your joints tend to hurt or you are more prone to experiencing sudden pains and aches then opt for low-impact exercises such as the elliptical or swimming. You should also learn to stop once you feel pain to avoid making it worse.

6. Go beyond cardio. Cardiovascular workouts aren’t limited to hitting the pavement. Pilates and yoga can work just as well. The beauty of yoga and Pilates is that, aside from strengthening your muscles, they also help in making you more flexible. You’ll feel more relaxed afterwards too because of the breathing and meditation exercises incorporated into these workouts.

7. Have a workout buddy. Working out on your own can be boring at times and without proper motivation, will make you go back to your sedentary life. The best way you can push yourself is to have someone to workout with you. It may be your spouse, your friend, or even your colleague. This way, not only will you have company, but you’ll both benefit from the physical activity.

8. Consult your doctors. This is one of the most important things you should be doing as you get on in years. If you want to be at your best when you reach 50, you should make time to consult your doctor. This way, you’ll both have a better understanding on what possible dangers you are facing at your age and what solutions you can do to address these problems.
As you can see, staying fit at 50 is possible. All it takes is dedication on your part and the will to reach your goals. Don’t let your age be an obstacle. Be at your best by staying active!

The Dangers of Desk Jobs and How to Solve Them

 These days people are more aware of the dangers of having a desk job since sitting for prolonged periods of time can lead to various health problems such as heart attacks, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and even death. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is typical to those who use the computer a lot with a standard keyboard. Diabetes is another health issue linked to desk jobs because of lack of any physical activity. The same is true with weight gain because, aside from not being able to exercise as often as possible, you’re also prone to eating a lot due to stress caused by the work on hand.
Women who have desk jobs are prone to suffering from misaligned hips since their hips are wider than men. This adds pressure to their spine and knees that will eventually lead to tendinitis and weakness. Another possible health issue associated with desk jobs is dry eyes. The bright glare from your computer monitor and the constant movement of your eyes causes eye strain. And finally, varicose veins can occur in women who tend to sit for long periods of time without moving much.
However, in this day and age, most office work requires prolonged hours of sitting and, although you’ve been hitting the gym from time to time, it won’t be enough to undo what long hours of sitting can do to your body. So, if working out doesn’t do much and you still have to work in the office, what else is there for you to do to avoid being at risk of various health problems?
You need to change your current work environment.
First things first, standing isn’t as easy as it looks. Standing too long can cause musculoskeletal problems specifically on your knees, legs, and your lower back. Although you can stand as long as you like, experts suggest that you spend some of your time standing and sitting.
Aside from this, here are other tips that you can do to add more activity to your day.

1. Standing Desks. This has gained much popularity over the years since studies have shown that this is good for you metabolically speaking. You need to make sure, however, that the height of your desk is appropriate for you so as not to strain your body. Also, wear comfortable shoes and stand on a mat to help cushion your feet.

2. Office Laps. Since standing for long periods of time can cause musculoskeletal issues as well as varicose veins, do office laps as much as you can to help get your blood circulating. It has been discovered that those who took frequent breaks to walk around the office have better fat and sugar metabolism compared to those who keep on sitting the entire day.

3. Stretching. Just because you’re tied to your office desk it doesn’t mean that you can’t move or exercise a bit. Stretching or moving as much as possible can help lessen the effects of prolonged sitting. Check out office yoga to ease some of the tension off from your body even while you are sitting.

4. Yoga Ball Chair. Sitting on a yoga ball causes minute contractions which can help break down any molecular signals that can lead to metabolic diseases. Also, sitting on this kind of ball engages your core while at the same time improve your sense of balance and posture which is basically you, working out your body even when you’re working. Talk about multitasking.

5. Bring Meetings Outdoors. Sitting in a conference room to discuss your latest project is all well and good but if you’re striving to be healthy and lessen your time sitting on your bottom the entire day, why not move your meetings outside? Not only will this help you get sunshine but also exercise your body which is beneficial to your health.
Desk jobs do have their downsides but if you take the time to follow the tips mentioned above and try to be more active instead of spending the entire day on your bottom, there is a chance that you can avoid suffering from various health risks such as those mentioned above. It’s just a matter of balancing the amount of time that you’re sitting down with the number of hours you are staying active.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lose Your Tummy Fat After Pregnancy

Most women who just gave birth usually have to contend with a squishy midsection with stretch marks and dark line under the abdomen. Those who had a C-section also had to deal with the scar. However, what most women want is to go back to their pre-pregnancy body as soon as possible. There are some who look as if they haven’t given birth at all since they have gone back to their previous figure, but these are few and far between. How then can you lose tummy fat? You need to learn a few things first.
For one thing, post-pregnancy tummy fat may take some time before it disappears. After all, your body underwent changes for nine months just to be able to accommodate your baby. You should give yourself the same amount of time before you can achieve your pre-pregnancy body. Just think of your uterus as a balloon where, instead of popping when you give birth, it begins a slow leak. During this time, your uterus and other cells of your body will expel any extra fluids that you may have retained during your pregnancy through urine, sweat, and vaginal discharge.
How about those extra fats you’ve gained over the nine months of pregnancy? Your body will start to burn it once you start to breastfeed or once you go back to your previous exercise regimen. You just need to have patience before you see any results as this will take some time.
What can you do to lose tummy fat then? Here are some suggested tips to shed those excess fats.

• Breastfeed. Most moms swear that breastfeeding has helped them lose the extra weight they had gained while they were pregnant. And they are true. This is due to the fact that they tend to burn more calories in order to produce milk. This means that they have a higher chance of losing weight faster compared to those women who don’t nurse their baby. What’s more, the more they nurse, the more contractions occur in the uterus which helps it shrink back to its normal size. However, there will still be a few pounds left and experts believe that these extra pounds aid in a mother’s milk production.

• Exercise. Another helpful solution to toning your midsection is doing various exercises such as yoga or even walking around the block a few times. Pushing your body to work out can help you sweat your extra fats off while at the same time, tone your tummy too. However, make sure that your body is ready to handle the stress of working out before you proceed. You can even exercise while you’re out with your baby. Do some squats, crunches, jumping jacks, and other cardiovascular exercises to shed those fats fast. If you really want to tone your tummy, go for exercises that focus on your core muscles. However, pace yourself when exercising so as not to push your body beyond its capabilities especially when you’ve just given birth a few months ago. If you can, have someone work out with you for support. This way, you’ll be more focused and eager to lose weight having an exercise buddy with you.

• Diet. Dieting can also help you lose those extra calories but before you go on a low-calorie diet, give yourself some time to adjust. Wait for a few more months especially when you’re breastfeeding. In order to lose one pound a week, you should reduce at least 500 calories which you can do either by increasing your physical activity or going on a diet. Losing more than a pound per week is not a good idea as it will cause you to feel tired and make you moody. You should avoid severe dieting too as it will rob your body of nutrients which you and your baby needs.
These are just a few ways for you to lose belly fat. Combining proper diet with exercise plus continuing breastfeeding as much as you can help you achieve a slimmer and fitter figure in a few months. Keep in mind that it will take some time before you see results of your slimming workout since there’s a lot of changes occurred in your body during your pregnancy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

See What Happens When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days

Not everyone thinks that eating garlic on an empty stomach is beneficial. You may often hear people say that it is only your grandmother and her friends who think that this home remedy is really beneficial. However, it is actually quite effective in
preventing and treating many diseases. Scientists have conducted many studies and the results showed that when you consume garlic before you eat or drink anything will only increase its power, making it an extremely strong natural antibiotic. Why is it more effective when you it eat before the breakfast? The bacteria are overexposed, so they can not defend against its power. Why is it Good to Eat Garlic on an Empty Stomach
Many people have found that garlic can actually relieve the symptoms of hypertension. It not only regulates the circulation, it also prevents various heart problems and stimulates the proper function
of your liver and bladder. Garlic is also efficient in treating stomach problems,
such as diarrhea. Some people even claim that garlic is an amazing remedy for nerve problems, but only when it is consumed on an empty stomach. As we already mentioned, garlic is really effective in treating stomach problems – it stimulates proper digestion and good appetite.
Garlic will also help you to control your stress, and thus stop the
production of stomach acid that your body
produces every time you get nervous. Garlic is popular for its health benefits in every part
of the world. That is the main reason why people started calling it “a healing food” long ago.

Garlic And Alternative Medicine
In alternative medicine garlic is considered to be one of the most efficient foods when it comes to detoxification. Medical practitioners in this branch say that garlic is so powerful that it cleanses the body from parasites and worms, prevents diseases like diabetes, typhus, depression, and even some
cancer types. If you are allergic to garlic, take two important things into consideration: never eat it raw, and if you still get any skin outbreak, high body temperature, or a headache, stop consuming it. Some studies have shown that the consumption of garlic can sometimes have side-effects in patients
that take medications for HIV/AIDS. Pay special attention to this health conditions and be extremely careful. Make sure garlic is safe for you before you start consuming it. Its strong smell and taste should not stop you from using all its health benefits. Garlic supplements are a great substitute for raw garlic and even in that form you can still take advantage of its benefits.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top 10 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain

A disorder exists which is characterized by a sensation of discomfort that begins as a sharp or numbed aching in the back which copulates through the leg as well as gets to the foot – called Sciatic nerve pain affecting the longest nerve in the body – the sciatic nerve.  This condition can often induce unpleasant twinge and pressure despite having smallest movements.

According to some data, every third individual on the planet will certainly experience this problem at some time in their lives. The symptoms of sciatic pain are quite much like lower back pain as well as leg cramps and that’s why many people make blunders when treating this serious condition. As stated before, the aching can be perceived differently by each patients. Some experience light aches and feeling of numbness while others experience sharp and really uncomfortable sensation that typically impacts one side of the body at a time. Many people find sturdy pain relievers like ibuprofen in order to soothe the aching. Although these OCT medications can be reliable, they do not give lasting remedy as well as they possess several side effects. The good news is, couple of organic treatments can help you ease the pain as well as eliminate the swelling induced by sciatica.

Sciatic Pain Natural Treatments
1. Chiropractic specialist
Chiropractic is a prominent kind of holistic medicine. There is no firm clinical research that validates that going to a chiropractic practitioner could improve the state of sciatica victims, but there are many people which assert that they’ve experienced renovation even after a couple of sessions. What scientific research could verify is that chiropractic care could lessen swelling, help reduce tension, boost flexibility and adaptability.

2. Acupuncture
This is an additional kind of natural medicine, yet unlike chiropractic, acupuncture makes use of unique needles, which are stabbed in the body. By placing these needles in specific factors in the body, acupuncturists believe that they have the ability to improve the circulation of power in the body, boost the work of the nerves as well as help individuals remove sciatic aching. It generally takes few sessions prior to patients witness the very first results.

3. Ice bag
If you are looking for a fast way to relieve the discomfort you should most definitely attempt using ice packs on the afflicted location. Leave the cold pack for around 20 mins, pause for two hrs and do this procedure once more, till you begin really feeling much better.

4. Switch Temperatures
Truth to be seen, ice bag can offer only short-term results. The reason is basic – sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve in the physical body as well as it lies deep inside the body. Ice bag will impact just the initial layers of swelling. That’s why experts suggest modifying temperature levels. After using ice packs, visit the bathroom and take a warm bath. This change will certainly boost your blood circulation and you will affect the deeper layers of irritation too. On top of that, you could bring in some essential oils, herbs or various other products with healing residential properties.

5. Massage therapy
Massage therapy is a technique for leisure used since ancient times. An appropriate massage can loosen up the muscular tissues, remove the strain and also boost blood circulation. Necessary oils made use of for massage as well as aromatic candle lights can significantly raise the results.

6. Yoga
You have possibly seen how versatile yoga practitioners are, but when we are talking about using yoga exercise for sciatic discomfort, we actually indicate engaging in moderate stretches. Individuals that are struggling with sciatic pain are typically resting, but minimal physical activity is recommended in all cases. Only via physical exertion, you can expect to raise your adaptability and also movement.

7. Rest
You need to recognize that absence of rest which can cause both short and also long-lasting unfavorable impacts on your wellness. On the other hand, there are many good results of a healthy as well as high quality sleep like better body immune system, increased attention as well as bring back power. Then your nerves are unwinded and you could bring them back on course after a good night’s rest. Additionally, whenever you find a little downtime, take some nap.

8. Herbs and Oils
We have already pointed out how useful and important are the oils and herbs for the massage therapies, yet they can be fairly useful for sciatic pain when they are used in the form of supplements, capsules, teas etc. If you are intending to take them by mouth, keep in mind to ask your doctor, if they could cause some negative effects when integrated with several of the other drugs you take. The following is a shortlist of natural herbs made use of in cases of nerve aching and also inflammation: turmeric extract, Jamaican dogwood, evil one’s claw, arnica, willow, lavender, licorice and so on.

9. Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is actually an educational procedure, which helps folks learn ways to maintain a right physical body posture. Basing on lots of people, a proper posture can help anybody eliminate migraine headache pain, back pain, neck aching as well as it could certainly help with sciatic discomfort as well.

10. Diaphragmatic breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing is another method that can be very helpful in cases of sciatic pain. This technique offers total breathing, meanings that it provides a lot more energy to the system. By bringing the required quantity of oxygen to the cells in our physical body, we can anticipate better performance of all body components. Bear in mind that the majority of these all-natural treatments for sciatic pain have actually not been scientifically proven, but the testaments of lots of people that really felt the positive influence on their health and wellness, should be enough to inspire you. In addition, if these therapies are performed properly, they cannot result in any type of negative effects.

19 Ways Through Which You Can Relieve Anxiety Naturally

 There are a lot of reasons why you tend to be anxious or easily freaked out what with the problems you have regarding your family, money, work, or even your personal relationship. Whenever you feel anxious, your heart beats faster, your mind starts imagining all the wrong things that could possibly happen, and you start breathing rapidly. Regardless of whether you are diagnosed with anxiety disorder or you just had a sudden panic attack, why not look for other ways to relieve your anxiety before taking medication?
Surprisingly, there are safer alternatives than relying constantly on anti-anxiety pills to relieve your tension. Here are 19 examples of them that you might want to try out first.

1. Green Tea. Green tea contains L-theanine which helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate and based on several studies, it has also been discovered that it can lower one’s anxiety levels. Drinking 5 to 20 cups of green tea in a day can help you get the recommended amount of L-theanine to reduce your anxiety.

2. Chamomile. Another alternative to medication, drinking chamomile can help relieve anxiety because of its compounds that work like Valium. You can also take it as a supplement.

3. Valerian. This herbal supplement may make you feel sleepy as it is a sedative. This drink may not taste so good that is why many prefer to take it in tincture or pill form. The best time to take this is at night.

4. Exercise. This is probably the safest way for you to relieve your depression and anxiety. Do this on a regular basis and you’ll feel less prone to anxiety attacks.

5. Passionflower. Another type of herbal sedative, Passionflower acts like Valerian meaning it can cause drowsiness and sleepiness. If you’re going to opt for this herbal medication, make sure that you don’t take it for more than a month.

6. Breathing. Breathing exercises are great to relieve anxiety. Try the 4-7-8 yoga breathing where you exhale through your mouth first before inhaling through your nose for four counts. Hold your breath for 7 counts and exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 counts.

7. Eat your breakfast. Research shows that those who skip eating breakfast are more anxious compared to those who do eat their morning meal. Cook eggs for breakfast as they are good sources of choline.

8. Avoid catastrophizing. Catastrophic thinking won’t do you any good when you’re anxious. Take a turn around the block and try to think about the problem you have at hand and determine whether it will turn out to be a catastrophe or not. Chances are your problem isn’t all that bad.

9. Take a forest bath. Also known as, go and walk in the woods. Studies showed that those who took a 20 minute walk in the forest surrounded by trees and hearing running water have lower anxiety levels.

10. Question while breathing. Try sitting in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and start your breathing exercises. While you are at it, ask yourself questions as how has your breathing changed, what is the temperature of your breath as you inhale, and so on.

11. Give yourself some credit. Especially when you notice you’re being anxious about something. Your being mindful of yourself is a skill and one that you should congratulate yourself in having. This means you’re in the best position to seek help to relieve your anxiety.

12. Mindfulness meditation. This meditation practice came from the Buddhists but is now applied to treat anxiety. Mindfulness allows the person to experience the moment instead of what they fear or expected.

13. Get Hot. Heat allows your muscles to relax thus alleviating tension and anxiety. Research shows that heat can change one’s mood which is why many feel so much better after sweating it out in the sauna or taking a hot bath.

14. Increase your omega-3s. Omega-3s aren’t just for the heart; they are also good in relieving anxiety. The best source of omega-3 is fish such as salmon, anchovies, mussels, and sardines. You can also take it in supplement form.

15. Eat something. People tend to become irritable and anxious when they’re hungry so try grabbing a snack quick. You can go for some dark chocolate or a handful of walnuts then pair it with a cup of tea.

16. Lavender. The scent of Lavender is said to be an anti-inflammatory for emotions. Based on one study, dental patients felt less anxious when they smell lavender in the waiting room.

17. The 21 minute cure. This is how long an exercise can take to help get rid of anxiety. It doesn’t matter whether you run, or go up several flights of stairs, or even go back to rowing just like you did when you were in college. You can always start an exercise regimen to get that blood pumping.

18. Lemon balm. Used in the Middle Ages to minimize anxiety and stress, lemon balm can now be taken in tea, tincture, or pill form. However, too much intake of Lemon balm can cause anxiety so make sure that you follow proper dosage.

19. Hops. Typically used in beer, extracting the oil from the hops can help with your anxiety problems. It works just like valerian and can be combined with either mint or chamomile. Take note, however, that you shouldn’t use any herbal sedatives when you’re using prescription medication or at least inform your doctor what supplements you’ve been taking to alleviate anxiety.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat an Avocado a Day

 You’ve probably heard the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While it’s true that apples are extraordinarily good for you, what you really should be eating every day is an avocado.
This wonder fruit is so full of health benefits that you will be amazed why you’ve never made eating them a regular habit and if you are concerned about weight loss and keeping your metabolism high, the avocado can help in some very surprising ways. Here is what happens to your metabolism when you start a regular diet of avocados.

Your Liver Produces More Glutathione
If you eat an avocado a day, your liver will produce more of the antioxidant Glutathione, which is the number one antioxidant, but how it helps your metabolism is that it also contains magnesium which is a key factor in more than 300 metabolic processes.

You Get Monounsaturated Fats
Avocados are terrific because they provide you with more than 100 calories of monounsaturated oleic acid, and those fats are used as slow burning energy which helps your metabolism. When you take in saturated fat, you don’t get any benefit because they are unlikely to be used to burn for energy and are stored instead.

You Get Omega-9 Fatty Acids
Even though an avocado has about 160 calories, they also contain omega-9 fats. In fact, avocados are one of the best sources on the planet for these fats, and they have been studies extensively over the past decade or so.

These omega-9 fatty acids have been shown in studies to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol, while raising the levels of HDL, which is the good cholesterol. Also, omega-9 fats are good at absorbing vitamins and antioxidants from the foods that contain them so you get those as well.

You Get Satisfied
Besides the other benefits that have been discussed so far, avocados can also help you with controlling hunger, which obviously affects your metabolism and your weight loss. The way that avocados improve what nutrients you are getting from a meal helps you to control your hunger and lose weight faster. Plus, since they contain so much water they keep you hydrated which is also an important part of the metabolic process.

You Get Better Insulin Control
Another major factor in metabolism is the glucose levels in your body. Insulin is extremely powerful, removing any excess glucose so that you don’t suffer from serious problems.

If there is excess glucose it can be stored in the liver and in your muscle tissue, but after filling those areas up as much as possible, insulin removes the glucose to fat cells. This storage can lead to low blood sugar, which not only can lead to diabetes but also makes you want carbs, which is detrimental to your weight loss.

Research Has Shown That This One Plant Can Kill Cancer Cells & Treat Diabetes

Bitter melon is a fruit that grows abundantly in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Traditionally it has been used to treat diabetes and other more mild diseases or illnesses.

More recently, bitter melon juice was shown to kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in mice in a study done by the University of Colorado. Considering the results were seen in both in vitro and in vivo tests, the effectiveness of bitter melon juice in treating pancreatic cancer, and potentially other cancers, at a clinical level are promising.[1]

“IHC analyses of MiaPaCa-2 xenografts showed that BMJ(Bitter Melon Juice) also inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and activates AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) in vivo. Overall, BMJ exerts strong anticancer efficacy against human pancreatic carcinoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting its clinical usefulness.”

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat due to the fact that it is often discovered late, leaving very little time to treat. Since traditional therapies (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery etc) were not showing promising results and littler advancement was being made, researchers have been looking elsewhere to find treatment.

Interestingly, cannabis, specifically cannabinoids, have been shown to induce apoptic (programmed) death of human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and stop pancreatic tumor growth in vivo.[4] Cannabis is perhaps one of the most popular treatments being aggressively pursued right now given its promising results both in labs and anecdotally.
Scientific Evidence

Pancreatic Cancer
Many cancerous tumors have insulin receptors which move glucose to cancer cells helping them to grow and divide. Studies have shown that insulin encourages pancreatic cancer cells to grow in a dose dependant manner, since bitter melon has been shown to help regulate insulin levels, this could help prevent pancreatic cancer over the long-term.
The Colorado University study was led by Dr. Rajesh Agarwal. They examined effects of bitter melon on 4 different lines of pancreatic cancer cells (in vitro) and in mice. For the in vivo studies, mice were injected with pancreatic tumor cells and were randomly divided into one of two groups. One group of mice received water, which was the control group, and the other group was given bitter melon juice for six weeks.
Researchers studied the tumors at the end of the study and results showed that bitter melon juice not only inhibited cancer cell proliferation but also induced apoptosis (programmed cell death). Compared to the control, tumor growth was inhibited by 60% in the treatment group and there were no signs of toxicity or negative effects on the body. With toxicity and negative effects being a huge role in traditional mainstream treatments, this was positive to see.

A number of clinical studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of bitter melon for treating diabetes. Since it is believed that diabetes is a precursor for pancreatic cancer, researchers felt bitter melon could treat diabetes as well after seeing pancreatic cancer results.
In 2011, results of a four week long clinical trial were published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology that showed modest hypoglycemic effects and significant fructosamine management for those taking 2000mg/day of bitter melon.
As published by the study: “Bitter melon had a modest hypoglycemic effect and significantly reduced fructosamine levels from baseline among patients with type 2 diabetes who received 2,000 mg/day. However, the hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon was less than metformin 1,000 mg/day.”[3]
Another study published in 2008 in the international journal Chemistry and Biology indicated that compounds in bitter melon improved glycemic control, helped cells uptake glucose and improved overall glucose tolerance. This study was done in mice and led to promising advancements in treating diabetes and obesity with bitter melon.[4]
In contrast, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology in 2007 did not show significant benefit of the treatment of diabetes by bitter melon but 2 years later in the British Journal of Nutrition it was stated that “more, better-designed and clinical trials are required to confirm the fruit’s role in diabetes treatment.”
Since that 2007 study, more studies have been done to show beneficial effects which perhaps was a result of better design.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Always Make Your Walking Workout More Effective With These Simple Steps

Actual effects of exercise goes beyond 24hrs. It can last up to 48hrs afterward and improves our body’s ability to control blood sugar too, one of the many benefits.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cranberries And Its Most Amazing Benefits

Cranberries are very very nutritional likr other berries anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and have cancer-preventing properties.  Theses incredible small, red berries are juicy and have a tart and tangy taste.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

9 Strange and Awesome Uses You Can Do With Your Deodorant

Below are ways you can use deodorant to achieve the best result.
Apply this around the sides of your feet that are rubbing together with your new pair of shoes.  Best to use the clear one for leather or low cut or open toe shoes.  The deodorant acts as a slick barrier between your skin and the shoe and will keep the shoe from taking your flesh right off.

You Can Boost Your Energy And Balance Emotions With These Hand Exercises

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a popular form of ancient Japanese touch therapy which you can perform on yourself to others to help balance energy and emotions by stimulating the meredians of our hands.

Signs You Should Watch For Thyroid Problem

A research has shown that 59 million Americans have thyroid problems, however, many people are not even aware of it.  Thyroid problems are common including goiter or thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) are the most common problems and can cause many hormonal, emotional and physical changes in the body.  Our thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the center of the neck, which makes thyroid hormones. Although relatively small, it is considered the master gland of metabolism and plays a key role in the functioning of many important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin. For your body’s overall health, it is essential for the thyroid gland to stay healthy and function properly.
It is important that we know how to recognise the signs and symptoms of impending thyroid problem, to be able to prevent further complications.

1. Change in Body Weight
Either sudden increase or decrease in weight, unexplained, can be a warning sign of a thyroid disorder. Weight gain may indicate low levels of thyroid hormones or hypothyroidism.  In contrast, if the thyroid produces more hormones than the body needs, you may experience sudden weight loss.  Identify that these change in weight is not due to a change in diet, otherwise, best to consult your physician to check your thyroid.


Crush Cravings Efficiently Through These 10 Ways

Most people have been trying to lose weight or keep it off, but cravings is always there. Unfortunately, it’s true that it makes so hard to avoid these especially if you’ve been fighting for it for weeks now.  To efficiently fight these cravings that hinder your goal in losing weight, here are 10 ways to help you.

1.  Eat
Craving for sweets, like chocolate or candies? Try eating a bowl of super-sweet sliced fruits like strawberries or grapes. What about chips? Crunch on salted, nuts like in-shell pistachios. Substituting what you’re jonesing for with a similar-tasting healthy equivalent should be enough to satisfy you, says Marisa Moore, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Cravings are short-lived and soon you’ll realize that you forget about it and that it have helped your health with the good decision of taking a healthy snack. However, if you really have to munch on something, eat them slowly, one at a time.

4 Fat-Melting Teas That Can Help You Lose Weight

According to Zero Belly Diet's new research, tea can reset your internal thermometer to increase fat burn by up to 10 percent without exercising, or dieting.  Avail your body the advantage to battle fat by sipping this fat-burning teas.

1.  White Tea: Breaks down stored fat
TRY: Twinings, The Republic of Tea, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime
This actually works with your body in 3 different ways to promote fat-burning.
– blocks the formation of new fat cells while simultaneously boosting lipolysis, the body’s process of breaking down stored fat, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism.
–  Another group of researchers found that the tea is also a rich source of catechins, a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from the cells
– helps speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy.


Cranberries And Its Most Amazing Benefits

Cranberries are very nutritional, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and have cancer-preventing properties.  Theses incredible small, red berries are juicy and have a tart and tangy taste. They mainly grow in the cold regions of the world.   Aside from having low calories (80% water and 10% carbo), they contain vitamins C, K, B6 and E, along with calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Among other constituents are dietary fiber, protein, salicylic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and triterpenoids.  Superfood yeah?
Either you eat this raw, or can incorporate these berries into your juices, this for sure will benefit you. Try  adding them  in your baking this week, or sprinkle some in your salad and yogurt.
To convince you on starting to get some of this berries, if you’re not fond of trying tangy taste at all, we gather these 10 benefits for you.

1. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections
There are scientific studies found that cranberry juice can be effective in preventing UTIs, especially for women with recurrent infections.  Plus it even fight this effective if they experience early onset of UTI.  Cranberries contain a high-molecular-weight compound known as proanthocyanidin with anti-adherence properties that prevent fimbriated E.coli bacteria from adhering to uroepithelial cells in the urinary tract.
Cranberries are also effective in fighting leucorrhea, commonly known as vaginal discharge.
TRY: To prevent the recurrence of UTIs, drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. If cranberry juice is unavailable, you may opt to take cranberry tablets. Better to consult your doctor for the correct dosage.


Abdominal Bloated: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Take

 Have you ever felt that too much air after a meal?  How did it really come about? Brigham and Women’s Hospital reported that most of us pass gas anywhere from 12 to 25 times a day, and surveys show that abdominal bloating affects up to 30% of Americans.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The 6 Golden Rules for Post Workout Meals

Counsel professional and competitive athletes in numerous sports, fitness enthusiasts, and different sports person definitely have different nutrition needs, but they do have one thing in common: Therefore to get the most out of being active, everyone needs to eat properly to help their bodies recover from the wear and tear of exercise.
Below are six rules to follow, and how to prevent overdoing it, which can cancel out the weight-loss benefits of breaking a sweat.
1.  Eat within 30 to 60 minutes post exercise
Post-exercise foods are about putting back what’s lost, and focus on getting what you need for repair and healing so if you’ve had a particularly tough workout, grab a “recovery” meal as soon as possible. Exercise puts stress on muscles, joints, and bones, and your body “uses up” nutrients during workouts. In fact, it’s the recovery from exercise that really allows you to see results in terms of building strength, endurance, and lean muscle tissue. Not recovering properly can leave you weaker as you go into your next workout, and increase the injury risk.


When No Enough Time to Cook, Here’s The Cheat Sheet You May Need

Occasionally you may just want to relax during the weekend, and there isn’t much time for you to spend in cooking, here are some tips for the busy folks out there:

Relieve Stress Fast by This Massage

Doctor of medical science and psychiatry, Mark Sandomirsky, told his patients that the following technique will relieve stress.
Source of stress really varies and people always experience it in different ways. Once the stress sets in, most people, are left feeling uneasy and anxious, followed by a sensation of heaviness and tenderness in parts of their body.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Beauty Things You Should Never Share

Although it is best to share as we were thought in our early childhood, however there are really things you you should avoid sharing.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gluten and 5 Things You Did Not Know

 People that have celiac disease must avoid gluten. Below are some information you need to know.

1.  For People with Celiac Disease – Gluten-free fast food may not be safe.
Do you know that chains like Pizza Hut and Domino’s have started offering gluten-free crust, but because the pizzas are prepared in the same kitchens as those with gluten, they aren’t considered to be safe for everyone with celiac disease. The same cross-contamination risk may be true for the many other fast food chains that now have gluten-free or gluten-sensitive menus, including Arby’s, Chik-fil-A, and Wendy’s. In fact, Burger King even states that the options aren’t intended for people with celiac disease.


You Can Ease Symptoms of Hangover by these 4 Simple Remedies

 Apart from the throbbing headaches, nausea and dizziness, drinking too much also can causes dehydration because of its diuretic property.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

10 Healthy Foods Which Could Ruin Your Diet

Weight loss diet demands that you cut yourself off of the junk foods. However, believe it or not, some healthy foods can actually ruin your diet because some of them are surprisingly high in calories as well as fat.
So keep monitoring your consumption of these 10 healthy foods for they may be the ones who could widen those hips.

Nuts are undeniably jam-packed with nutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and vitamin E which are needed by a healthy body. However, these so-called brain foods also have very high calorie content.


Tone your hips and thighs with these 8 Health tips and Exercises

The following, genes, hormones and unhealthy living are always blamed for the unwanted huge sizes hips and thighs of women, making them included in their biggest complaints.

3 Good Smoothies To Lower Blood Pressure

 When high blood pressure is neglected, it could get worse and affect the vital organs including the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. For one to fully take control of this ailment, a lifestyle change is necessary as well as a nutritious and balanced diet. Sodium, alcohol and caffeine intake should also be monitored, all while doing regular exercise.

10 High-Fat Foods Which Are Unbelievably Healthy

Experts will always tell you that adding fat to your daily diet is beneficial especially when taken in moderation as it helps keep you fuller for longer periods, keeps you heart healthy, and increases the absorption of essential vitamins depending on the kind of fat used. The question now is what types of food that are high in fat should you be adding to your daily diet?

9 Things Dermatologists Avoid, For A Younger and Glowing Skin

 Many things to keep your skin glowing, hydrated and smooth are there for us.  But as we age, there are things we can’t avoid thus we run to our lifesavers- our dermatologists. So we asked, what are those things you would never do to maintain your skin’s health.
1. Skip exercise
Exercise helps in the circulation of blood, it tones and strengthens our muscles, relieves stress and contributes to alleviating skin related conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, psoriasis and hair loss.  Getting a regular exercise gives you the benefit of radiant skin.  You can try to run, lift weights, kickbox, jump rope.  As long as you enjoy the activity you will engage to, I’m sure it’ll be easy for you to find time for this regime.

17 Health Habits By You That Contribute to Damaging Your Skin

You might be always indulge in one of the following habits below which contribute to damaging your skin.

1. Squinting. You should schedule an appointment with your optometrist as wearing lenses and contact lenses that are outdated will only make you squint some more causing wrinkles and even fine lines to appear around the eyes. You should make it a point to see your eye doctor every year to minimize aging of your eyes.

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