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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Risk factors for Lung Cancer: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You

What is Lung Cancer?Cancer is a disease characterized by the abnormal growth rate of cells in the body. When a cancer originates at the lungs, then it will be referred to as lung cancer. Your lungs are a vital part of you—they’re what makes you take in oxygen when you breathe and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer is by far the leading...

Secrets to Staying Fit at 50

Aging is inevitable. No matter how hard you try to stop fine lines and wrinkles from appearing, they will appear sooner or later. Should you resign to the fact that your body will deteriorate as you age? Definitely not! Even when you’ve reached the Golden Age of 50, you can...

The Dangers of Desk Jobs and How to Solve Them

 These days people are more aware of the dangers of having a desk job since sitting for prolonged periods of time can lead to various health problems such as heart attacks, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and even death. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is typical to those who use...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lose Your Tummy Fat After Pregnancy

Most women who just gave birth usually have to contend with a squishy midsection with stretch marks and dark line under the abdomen. Those who had a C-section also had to deal with the scar. However, what most women want is to go back to their pre-pregnancy body as soon as...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

See What Happens When You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days

Not everyone thinks that eating garlic on an empty stomach is beneficial. You may often hear people say that it is only your grandmother and her friends who think that this home remedy is really beneficial. However, it is actually quite effective inpreventing and treating many...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top 10 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain

A disorder exists which is characterized by a sensation of discomfort that begins as a sharp or numbed aching in the back which copulates through the leg as well as gets to the foot – called Sciatic nerve pain affecting the longest nerve in the body – the sciatic nerve. ...

19 Ways Through Which You Can Relieve Anxiety Naturally

 There are a lot of reasons why you tend to be anxious or easily freaked out what with the problems you have regarding your family, money, work, or even your personal relationship. Whenever you feel anxious, your heart beats faster, your mind starts imagining all the...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat an Avocado a Day

 You’ve probably heard the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While it’s true that apples are extraordinarily good for you, what you really should be eating every day is an avocado.This wonder fruit is so full of health benefits that you will be amazed why...

Research Has Shown That This One Plant Can Kill Cancer Cells & Treat Diabetes

Bitter melon is a fruit that grows abundantly in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Traditionally it has been used to treat diabetes and other more mild diseases or illnesses. More recently, bitter melon juice was shown to kill pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in mice...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Always Make Your Walking Workout More Effective With These Simple Steps

Actual effects of exercise goes beyond 24hrs. It can last up to 48hrs afterward and improves our body’s ability to control blood sugar too, one of the many benefits....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cranberries And Its Most Amazing Benefits

Cranberries are very very nutritional likr other berries anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and have cancer-preventing properties.  Theses incredible small, red berries are juicy and have a tart and tangy taste....

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

9 Strange and Awesome Uses You Can Do With Your Deodorant

Below are ways you can use deodorant to achieve the best result.  1. FOR BLISTERSApply this around the sides of your feet that are rubbing together with your new pair of shoes.  Best to use the clear one for leather or low cut or open toe shoes.  The deodorant...

You Can Boost Your Energy And Balance Emotions With These Hand Exercises

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a popular form of ancient Japanese touch therapy which you can perform on yourself to others to help balance energy and emotions by stimulating the meredians of our hand...

Signs You Should Watch For Thyroid Problem

A research has shown that 59 million Americans have thyroid problems, however, many people are not even aware of it.  Thyroid problems are common including goiter or thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer. Hypothyroidism (underactive...

Crush Cravings Efficiently Through These 10 Ways

Most people have been trying to lose weight or keep it off, but cravings is always there. Unfortunately, it’s true that it makes so hard to avoid these especially if you’ve been fighting for it for weeks now.  To efficiently fight these cravings that hinder your goal...

4 Fat-Melting Teas That Can Help You Lose Weight

According to Zero Belly Diet's new research, tea can reset your internal thermometer to increase fat burn by up to 10 percent without exercising, or dieting.  Avail your body the advantage to battle fat by sipping this fat-burning teas.1.  White Tea: Breaks down...

Cranberries And Its Most Amazing Benefits

Cranberries are very nutritional, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and have cancer-preventing properties.  Theses incredible small, red berries are juicy and have a tart and tangy taste. They mainly grow in the cold regions of the world.   Aside from having...

Abdominal Bloated: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Take

 Have you ever felt that too much air after a meal?  How did it really come about? Brigham and Women’s Hospital reported that most of us pass gas anywhere from 12 to 25 times a day, and surveys show that abdominal bloating affects up to 30% of American...

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The 6 Golden Rules for Post Workout Meals

Counsel professional and competitive athletes in numerous sports, fitness enthusiasts, and different sports person definitely have different nutrition needs, but they do have one thing in common: Therefore to get the most out of being active, everyone needs to eat properly...

When No Enough Time to Cook, Here’s The Cheat Sheet You May Need

Occasionally you may just want to relax during the weekend, and there isn’t much time for you to spend in cooking, here are some tips for the busy folks out ther...

Relieve Stress Fast by This Massage

Doctor of medical science and psychiatry, Mark Sandomirsky, told his patients that the following technique will relieve stress.Source of stress really varies and people always experience it in different ways. Once the stress sets in, most people, are left feeling uneasy and...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Beauty Things You Should Never Share

Although it is best to share as we were thought in our early childhood, however there are really things you you should avoid sharin...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gluten and 5 Things You Did Not Know

 People that have celiac disease must avoid gluten. Below are some information you need to know. 1.  For People with Celiac Disease – Gluten-free fast food may not be safe. Do you know that chains like Pizza Hut and Domino’s have started offering gluten-free crust,...

You Can Ease Symptoms of Hangover by these 4 Simple Remedies

 Apart from the throbbing headaches, nausea and dizziness, drinking too much also can causes dehydration because of its diuretic property....

Saturday, June 27, 2015

10 Healthy Foods Which Could Ruin Your Diet

Weight loss diet demands that you cut yourself off of the junk foods. However, believe it or not, some healthy foods can actually ruin your diet because some of them are surprisingly high in calories as well as fat.So keep monitoring your consumption of these 10 healthy foods...

Tone your hips and thighs with these 8 Health tips and Exercises

The following, genes, hormones and unhealthy living are always blamed for the unwanted huge sizes hips and thighs of women, making them included in their biggest complaint...

3 Good Smoothies To Lower Blood Pressure

 When high blood pressure is neglected, it could get worse and affect the vital organs including the heart, kidneys and blood vessels. For one to fully take control of this ailment, a lifestyle change is necessary as well as a nutritious and balanced diet. Sodium, alcohol...

10 High-Fat Foods Which Are Unbelievably Healthy

Experts will always tell you that adding fat to your daily diet is beneficial especially when taken in moderation as it helps keep you fuller for longer periods, keeps you heart healthy, and increases the absorption of essential vitamins depending on the kind of fat used....

9 Things Dermatologists Avoid, For A Younger and Glowing Skin

 Many things to keep your skin glowing, hydrated and smooth are there for us.  But as we age, there are things we can’t avoid thus we run to our lifesavers- our dermatologists. So we asked, what are those things you would never do to maintain your skin’s...

17 Health Habits By You That Contribute to Damaging Your Skin

You might be always indulge in one of the following habits below which contribute to damaging your skin. 1. Squinting. You should schedule an appointment with your optometrist as wearing lenses and contact lenses that are outdated will only make you squint some more...

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